Poland Spring Water

16.9oz Bottle



Poland Spring Brand 100% Natural Spring Water is sourced only from carefully selected springs, and contains naturally occurring minerals for a crisp, clean taste. Filtered Naturally By The Earth There are over three hundred fifty-eight million trillion gallons of water on Earth. But not all water is created equal. Poland Spring® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water comes only from carefully selected mountain springs that are continually replenished. What starts out as rain and snow, soaks into the ground and is filtered naturally by the earth with a distinct composition of minerals to create our crisp, refreshing taste. Our Springs Some of you might want to know more about the natural spring water sources for the Poland Spring® brand of Natural Spring Water. Spring water brand names like the Poland Spring® brand reflect a heritage of quality spring water. All spring water for the Poland Spring brand currently comes from spring sources in Maine, including one in Poland Spring, Maine which has been a source for the Poland Spring brand for almost 35 years.
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